Title: The Unaffordable Cancer Conundrum: A Critique of India’s Patent and Tax Policies

India, a country with a burgeoning cancer burden, is grappling with the unaffordable prices of cancer drugs. Despite the availability of compulsory licensing provisions in patents, the government’s inaction has led to a catastrophic situation where patients are forced to choose between their lives and their livelihoods. This paper critiques the government’s policies, highlighting the egregious flaws in patent and tax laws that exacerbate the crisis. We argue that the government’s inaction is a betrayal of its citizens’ trust and a stark reminder of the need for urgent reforms.

Cancer is a growing concern in India, with over 1.5 million new cases reported annually. The country’s healthcare system is ill-equipped to handle the burden, and the prices of cancer drugs are a significant contributor to this crisis. The average cost of cancer treatment in India is a staggering ₹2.5 lakhs (approximately $3,500) per month, making it inaccessible to the majority of the population. The government’s failure to implement compulsory licensing provisions in patents has only worsened the situation.

Compulsory Licensing: A Missed Opportunity
The Indian Patents Act, 1970, provides for compulsory licensing provisions in patents. This mechanism allows the government to grant licenses to third parties to manufacture and sell patented products, including cancer drugs, at a reasonable price. However, the government has failed to utilize this provision, leaving patients to suffer at the mercy of exorbitant prices. The lack of compulsory licensing has enabled patent holders to maintain their monopolies, resulting in unaffordable prices for cancer drugs.

GST: A Taxing Conundrum
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime, introduced in 2017, has added to the woes of cancer patients. The GST on cancer drugs making them even more unaffordable. The government’s decision to impose GST on life-saving medicines is a stark reminder of its callous disregard for the well-being of its citizens.

The Consequences of Inaction
The government’s inaction has severe consequences for cancer patients. The high prices of cancer drugs force patients to choose between their lives and their livelihoods. Many patients are forced to abandon treatment, leading to a higher mortality rate. The government’s failure to address this issue has also led to a brain drain, as talented healthcare professionals seek better opportunities abroad.

A Scathing Critique of Government Policies
The government’s policies on patents and taxes are a betrayal of its citizens’ trust. The failure to implement compulsory licensing provisions in patents has enabled patent holders to maintain their monopolies, resulting in unaffordable prices for cancer drugs. The imposition of GST on cancer drugs is a cruel joke, making them even more inaccessible to the majority of the population.

The government’s inaction on patents and taxes has created a catastrophic situation for cancer patients in India. The lack of compulsory licensing provisions has enabled patent holders to maintain their monopolies, resulting in unaffordable prices for cancer drugs. The imposition of GST on cancer drugs has added to the woes of patients, making them even more inaccessible. We urge the government to take immediate action to address this crisis. The government must utilize compulsory licensing provisions in patents to make cancer drugs more affordable. Additionally, the government must reconsider its decision to impose GST on cancer drugs and provide relief to patients. The government’s inaction is a stark reminder of the need for urgent reforms in the healthcare sector.


1. Implement compulsory licensing provisions in patents to make cancer drugs more affordable.
2. Reconsider the decision to impose GST on cancer drugs and provide relief to patients.
3. Increase funding for cancer research and treatment to improve patient outcomes.
4. Strengthen the healthcare infrastructure to provide quality care to patients.
5. Implement price controls on cancer drugs to make them more accessible to the majority of the population.

By implementing these recommendations, the government can take a significant step towards addressing the unaffordable cancer conundrum in India. The government’s inaction is a betrayal of its citizens’ trust, and it is imperative that the government takes immediate action to address this crisis.

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